This quick post is meant to get you to respond to me!
I wanna know what kind of listener/subscriber you *really* are
What’s up, Plungers! How are things?
ICYMI: I published a post yesterday recommending a few podcasts. Read that here.
I’m reaching out now because there are 430+ people subscribed to this newsletter and I only hear from a select few of y’all. I GET IT. I’m not mad or even disappointed, promise. But I am here asking if there’s a way for me to engage you further / in a way that makes more sense for you.
This newsletter is reader-generated. You listen to podcasts. You comment on these posts telling me about them. I recommend your recommendations.
So, help me help you. Hit reply to this email or leave a comment letting me know what you think of the concept of this newsletter. I want to encourage y’all to leave recommendations so that we can help more people discover their next favorite podcast. What would incentivize you to do so?
That’s it for now! Happy listening. Here’s what I listened to today and LOVED (it’s about obituaries).
I love the concept of this newsletter! I think my biggest issue from the listening perspective is that I'm subscribed to a LOT of podcast newsletters and my queue of shows to listen to feels like the endless stairs in Super Mario 64 (I sure hope at least someone gets that reference). Also I've been traveling too much lately — which is great for listening to podcasts but not as great for responding to emails. I'll aim to fix it for the rest of the year :D
I wonder if anyone else is like me and experiences choice paralysis. When someone says "what's your fav podcast right now?" I go slightly catatonic. I enjoy lots of different shows for lots of different reasons, and trying to rank them like that ties my brain up in knots. If there was even a broad parameter from whence to choose (genre, host demo, release frequency, length) I might be able to untangle long enough for a specific show to float to the top.